domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

Explosive "P" and "T"

Mi intención con este post, es recordar que los sonidos de la P y T en algunas palabras en inglés es explosivo. Esta pronunciación se asemeja mucho a la del español, donde se entrejuntan los labios, pero la diferencia estriba en la manera como se deja pasar el aire. En la pronunciación en inglés, debemos expulsar el aire con fuerza, haciendo una pequeña exhalación luego de decirla.
Por ejemplo:
Person. she's a very interesting person, I wanna meet her.
In the case of the T sound, you also have to remember that some words with a T, sound almost like a "Ch" in spanish. Added to that, the little blast of air. It is, as always, just a matter of practice.
Train. The train will arrive on time, let's be there at least fifteen minutes in advance.
Remeber, practice a lot! As a help,  in the following Youtube video, you'll hear a conversation taken from a scene of a recent movie, Take a look at the transcription below. Try to hear the exageration of the P and T sound in some words.

Rob - You know, people say that actors lie for a living, but... this is living a lie.
James - Ok rob, when you're ready.
Director - Get ready camera two...
Someone - Oh! Jesus! fuck..!
James - woah..
Some Girl - His head looks like somebody's taint.
James - You barely look different!
Rob - Thanks man

Someone - We've been together for a thousand episodes!
Other guy - congratulations on a thousand hours of being a massive sellout
Seth - What do you mean!
Producer - Guys! guys! some pictures just came out wher it looks like McConaughey is fucking a goat!
Seth - Uhh
James - McConaughey Goat Fuck!
Producer - McConaughey goat fuck...
James - get'em! get'em! get the goat! GET THE GOAT! huh... I got some questions for that goat...

Seth - Every night, millions of people watch our show... I just wanna cover actual news! not Nicki Minaj's vagina fucking flopping out at the grammys.
James - You don't like that brown sugar!
Seth - That's nothing to do with the brown sugar!

James - Dude! Look at this!
Seth - Kim Jun wants to do an interview with Dave skylark?
James - He is a fan!
James - Look at this butt fuck! If that ain't a real story, what is?!
Seth - Ok, let's fucking do it...
James - We're going to north korea!

Agent - Mr Rapaport, I'm agent Lacey with Central Intelligence
James - Yo! Aaron! Whoa! Yo! I don't know who I fucked last night but I got some stink thing!
Seth - Ahh Dave it's actually ...
James - Wooo! Yo Aaron, Does your dick stinks? It's so weird how you like just wanna keep smelling it though...
Seth - Dave! uh.. The CIA is here!


Agent - You two are going to be in a room alone with Kim...
James - We got the interview!
Agent - The CIA would love it if you could take him out...
Dave - huh?
Agent - Take him out...
Seth - Like for drinks...?
James - Like to dinner ?
Seth - Take him out in the town ...?
Agent - No, uhh.. take him out.
Seth - You want us to kill the leader of north korea?
Agent - Yes!
James - Whaaaaat!

James - Hello North Korea!
Seth - We might die but we'd be total dickheads if we didn't do this
James - I've had a great life, I had the best best friend... fucked more women than Ellen degeneres...!

James - Kim must die! That's the American way.

Seth - Is this what you want! You like it!?
Agent - You have to secure the payload.
Seth - What would I do with it? what do I do with it...
Agent - there are people coming!
Seth - where the fuck do I hide it!?
James - ... Well you hide it in your butt...
Seth - I don't wanna stick it in my ass...
James - You gotta put it in your butt right now!
Seth - It's a little big to stick it up my ass!
Agent - They are closing in on you!
Seth - eeeh! The package is secured...
James - That!
Seth - Yes...
James - Ohhh
Seth - fucking weapon of ass destruction
James - You got fucked by Robocop dude!

Keep practicing!

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